6 Eco-Friendly Plumbing Tips for Earth Day

Earth Day is just a few short days away. April 22nd represents an important ethos, and our team at Best Home Services came up with a few ways to go eco-friendly with your plumbing- not just for Earth Day, but all year long!  


Keep scrolling to learn our top six plumbing tips for how to conserve energy, reduce your water bill, and give back to the environment for Earth Day!  


Save this list for later: 


  1. Switch to a Tankless Water Heater 
  2. Install a Low-Flow Showerhead 
  3. Use a Dual-Flush Toilet 
  4. Attach Aerators to Your Faucets 
  5. Check Your Water Heater’s Temperature 
  6. Fix Those Leaks! 

Conserving Water for Earth Day and Beyond  


Because we offer plumbing services here at Best Home Services, we like to share information with our customers about how to better conserve water. Not only will these tips help you save money on your water bill, but small changes can make a BIG impact on our environment.  


Now, let’s get to those eco-friendly plumbing tips!  


#1. Switch to a Tankless Water Heater  


Tankless water heaters provide on-demand hot water with two important benefits: 


  • You will waste less water waiting for the water to warm up if it is heated more quickly.
  • Energy is conserved as the water is heated only when you need it. 


Tankless water heaters also last longer than their conventional tanked water heater counterparts and even require less maintenance!  


Ready to go tankless? Call our plumbing pros at Best Home Services for an installation quote today; 844-921-2833!   

#2. Install a Low-Flow Showerhead 


Did you know that traditional showerheads use 2.5 gallons of water per minute? That’s a lot of water!  


The most important benefit to switching to a low-flow showerhead is of course water conservation, but you may be surprised at how much you save on your water bill after making the switch!  



By switching to a low-flow showerhead an average family could save over 15,000 gallons of water per year.  


Further, the less water you use to shower, the less energy is going towards heating your water. This means your water heater won’t have to work so hard, and less electricity will be used to keep the water warm. It’s a win-win!  


#3. Use a Dual-Flush Toilet 


Though still relatively new here in the United States, dual-flush toilets have been popular in Australia since 1980. As the name suggests, dual-flush toilets have two functions: 


  • A half flush for liquid waste 
  • A full flush for solid waste  


If the average American household converted to just one dual-flush toilet in their home, they could save nearly 15,000 gallons of water a year. And the water savings really add up when you add a low-flow showerhead to the equation!  


#4. Attach Aerators to Your Faucets  


A simple yet efficient gadget called a faucet aerator attaches to the end of your faucet and aerates the water. As a result, the water pressure rises but the flow rate is decreased.


Most faucet aerators conserve 2.2 gallons a minute.  


Since the aerator reduces water flow, this means that you will use less water without reducing home comfort. This is especially true when you are using hot water to wash the dishes—you will be cutting back on your water usage and heat energy in your home!  


#5. Check Your Water Heater’s Temperature 


Believe it or not, your water heater accounts for 20% of your home’s energy usage. Check your water heater’s temperature setting to ensure it is at the optimal (and safe) temperature to run efficiently and conserve energy.  


While many water heaters are set to 140° F, the optimal temperature for your water heater is 120° F.  This temperature is comfortable and sanitary, yet it won’t increase your energy costs as significantly as 140° F.  


By turning your water heater down just 20 degrees, you can look at saving 6-10% on energy costs.  


#6. Fix Those Leaks! 


If you’ve been hearing a drip, drip, drip in your bathtub or sink and haven’t done anything about it, what are you waiting for? Leaks are costing you more than you might think, and wasting precious water! In fact, household leaks waste more than 1 trillion gallons of water each year nationwide. Yikes!  


Check for leaks in these spots around your home: 


  • Your sprinkler system 
  • Toilets 
  • Faucet valves 
  • Pipe connections 
  • Hose spigots 


If you notice any leaky plumbing fixtures, have them replaced with WaterSense labeled fixtures, which are certified to use 20% less water and perform better than most standard models.  



Conserve Water and Energy with the Best  


If you’re ready to save BIG on your water bills and conserve more water overall, call our 5-star rated plumbing team at Best Home Services. We can help you make the switch to a tankless water heater or a low-flow showerhead, as well as fix any leaks that may be lurking around your home.  


Conserve water and go green with Best Home Services. Call us today to schedule a consultation at 844-921-2833!    

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